Wayne Pruden Memorial Golf Tournament
Equipment Purchases
2023 - 2024
Proceeds from the 2023 Tournament will support "Medication Matters" capital campaign to purchase new Pyxis MedStations for every department in need at BUH. Pyxis MedStations are automated medication-dispensing units that help improve the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of medication delivery to patients. Most importantly, Pyxis MedStations will allow healthcare professionals to spend more time at the bedside with patients and provide more time to focus on other areas of care for an enhanced healthcare experience.
2022 - 2023
The 2022 Tournament purchased a new ECG Machine for BUH. An ECG Machine checks the heart's rhythm and electrical activity and can tell a healthcare provider if there has been a heart attack, heart failure or heart damage. The ECG Machine is well-used throughout BUH and will replace the previous unit that had reached end of life.
2021 - 2022
Proceeds from the 2021 Tournament will help purchase a new OOK Snow All Medical Bed, or “Cuddle Bed,” specifically designed for Palliative Care patients. This bed not only provides the latest in technology, comfort and care for patients, but expands to allow for two people so loved ones can be near during a difficult time. There is currently one Cuddle Bed available at BUH and many positive comments are received from patients' families who have utilitzed this bed. Thank you for making the purchase of a second one possible.
2020 - 2021
The 2020 virtual Tournament purchased a new GlideScope System for the Emergency Department at BUH. A GlideScope System assists in rapid intubation of patients when breathing has become difficult due to airway blockage, respiratory illness or trauma. Successful intubation in an expedient manner is crucial for patients. The new GlideScope System provides the latest in technology and design to assist in this and includes a laryngoscope blade with an integrated camera and light source that is connected to a video monitor to provide a clear view of the airway and vocal cords. This increases the chances of a successful intubation in the first attempt. Thank you to everyone who supported the virtual WPMGT and didn't let a pandemic stop them from enriching patient care at BUH.
2019 - 2020
Proceeds from the 2019 Tournament will support the purchase of a new Blood Bank Fridge for the Lab at BUH. This new fridge will continue to ensure that the necessary blood products are stored at a controlled temperature for the safety and health of the patients. It is important to have these products readily available as they may be needed to treat motor vehicle trauma victims, cancer patients, and surgical patients. We thank everyone for helping to enrich healthcare and helping our family, friends and neighbours.
2018 - 2019
Proceeds from the 2018 Tournament will support the purchase of a new mammography unit for the Medical Imaging department at BUH to help detect breast cancer early. This is part of "We Want to...Catch It! Stop It! Treat It!" capital campaign to raise over $500,000 for this purchase. Mammography is a specific type of breast imaging that uses low dose radiation to detect cancer early, before men and women experience symptoms, and when it is most treatable. Every year there are 2,000 mammograms completed in Medical Imaging, as well as diagnostic exams when a concern presents itself. The current mammography unit is over 10 years old and needs to be replaced in order to ensure our patients at BUH have access to the best of diagnostics and care.
2017 - 2018
Proceeds from the 2017 Tournament will be allocated towards the purchase of a Dental X-Ray Unit for the OR at BUH. Currently, there are 10 dental surgeons that use BUH and they perform over 500 dental surgeries each year. Adults comprise 1-2% of the surgical patients with the remaining 98-99% being children under the age of 10, the majority being under the age of six. A Dental X-Ray Unit at BUH will allow dental surgeons to obtain current x-rays prior to beginning procedures. This allows them to know exactly where the patient is at and how the procedure needs to be completed. Benefits of the new unit include improved ergonomics and enhanced clinical abilities and efficiency.
2016 - 2017
The 2016 Tournament raised funds to purchase a Tub Chair Lift for Battlefords Region Home Care (BRHC). This lift is used for Home Care’s bathing program. Over 100 Home Care clients benefit from the bathing program each month. These clients are not able to bathe in their own homes for various reasons. One of the main reasons for most is the inability to transfer in/out of the tub safely due to mobility issues and risk of falls. The new Tub Chair Lift allows clients in the bathing program to be lifted and settled into and out of the tub safely. Remaining funds available from the 2016 Tournament were transferred to the Battlefords Region Home Care fund for future equipment purchases.
2015 - 2016
In 2015 golfers helped to purchase three new microscopes for the Laboratory at BUH. These microscopes will help to reduce wastage, human error, and turnaround time for patients. Rather than using the naked eye the new microscope allows enhanced details and will result in less samples being transferred to Saskatoon for further study. Less samples will also be sent to Saskatoon due to the additional camera. The image can simply be downloaded to a pathologist and a diagnosis will be made sooner for the patient.
2014 - 2015
Medical Imaging at BUH is in need of a new digital fluoroscopy unit and the proceeds from this year's Golf Tournament will go to support this estimated $550,000 purchase. A digital fluoroscopy unit obtains real time imaging of a patient which then allows the radiologist to observe organs and functional imaging of the body to provide accurate and timely diagnosis and possible life saving interventions. Thank you for helping to make this purchase possible.
2013 - 2014
Funds from the 2013 WPMGT supported purchases in the Emergency Department (ED) and the Laboratory at BUH. The ED benefited from Welch Allyn Green Series LED Lights that assist doctors and nurses in treatments and procedures. The Laboratory received a new Slide Stainer / Centrifuge that ensures accurate and precise assessment and diagnostic readings on clinical specimens. This will give information about the health of the patient pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. The holter monitors received by the Laboratory means availabiliy for patients to monitor their heart activity over a set time period to provide proper treatment and care.
2012 - 2013
The Emergency department at BUH is grateful for the purchase of a new Glidescope Video Laryngoscope, made possible with the proceeds from the 2012 Tournament. The Glidescope Video Laryngoscope is used for securing airways into patients who may or may not be able to breathe on their own. The unit has a camera on the end, allowing medical staff to see down the throat and to where the tube needs to be passed. This is important as they may not be able to manipulate the patient's neck to ensure the tube is passed where it is required. Now they will have a consistently clear, real-time view of the airway and tube placement.
In the past year the Emergency Room at BUH had nearly 35,000 visits and the volume of trauma patients increased where they needed to secure the airways. The new Glidescope Video Laryngoscope will allow the Emergency Room physicians and the respiratory therapists to secure the airways with ease of access thanks to the funds raised with the 2012 Tournament.
2011 - 2012
Proceeds from the 2011 Tournament were raised to purchase a portable BladderScan for the Women's Health & Birthing Centre. This piece of equipment is basically an ultrasound that measures bladder volume. This aids in diagnosing urinary retention and post-operative urinary retention. The nursing staff are able to assess and monitor urological concerns, preventing unnecessary catheterization, eliminating possible trauma and catheter associated urinary tract infections to patients.
2010 - 2011
The proceeds from the 2010 Tournament have been allocated to purchase patient Bedside Monitors for the Intensive Care Unit. These monitors will replace the current, outdated ones, and are vital to the patient's care. Every time a patient is admitted into the unit they are hooked up to a cardiac monitor at the bedside, which is connected to the main monitoring unit at the nursing station. They monitor a basic rhythm strip of the heart and have the capacity to monitor a second view of the heart if there is an area of concern. They also monitor other vital signs and assist the ICU Care Team in caring for their patients and ensuring they receive the best care possible.
2009 - 2010
Funds from the 2009 Golf Tournament assisted in the purchase of specialized chairs and hospitality units for the renal dialysis unit. Renal dialysis filters the blood of waste products, doing the job of a normal, healthy kidney. Dialysis typically takes 4 hours to complete, and is required 3 times a week. Some patients travel long distances to receive this life-giving treatment, and it is imperative that the patient remain relaxed and comfortable throughout the procedure. The purchase of this new equipment recognizes this need.
2008 - 2009
The proceeds from this year's tournament will allow for the purchase of four additional pieces of life saving equipment. A Triple Channel IV Plum will be purchased for the Intensive Care Unit, allowing for the administration of three medications with one pump. This compact unit will increase patient and staff safety, aiding in patient transporting and mobilization. In addition, three vital signs monitors will be purchased for use on the 3rd Floor Medical Ward, and in out-patient day surgery. These comprehensive, advanced monitors will provide medical staff with timely, accurate readings of patient blood pressure, pulse rates and temperature.
2007 - 2008
Proceeds from this Golf Tournament will help many in our community as it is going towards the Breast Health Fund which will help to purchase new mammography equipment for our Hospital.
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Workstation | Storage Cart | Tube |
2006 - 2007
The Women's Health and Birthing Centre thanks you for your support of the Golf Tournament as they received a Vital Signs Monitor with Stand and a CADD Legacy PCA Pump to enhance patient care in their department.
2005 - 2006
Through this year's Golf Tournament we were able to purchase 2 Slave Monitors for Telemetry for ICU as well as a Pediatric Vital Signs Monitor for the Emergency Department.