Art of Courage

 2024 Art of Courage

2024 The Art of Courage Wall ~ "Motion through the Years"

Welcome to BUH Foundation’s Art of Courage wall which was created to give inspiration and encouragement to the patients and clients that utilize the medical services offered in this area. We would like to thank our Art of Courage wall photographer, Cary Ellis Photography for donating his time and talent.

"Motion through the Years" portrays the graceful movements of three dancers spanning different ages, each embodying the essence of motion—a fundamental aspect of life itself. Motion is not merely a physical action but a vital force that sustains us, driving the rhythm of our existence. These dancers, whom my mother, Annette Ellis, once taught, serve as living embodiments of this profound truth. Despite her own physical limitations, my mother instilled in her students a deep appreciation for the beauty and significance of movement. As I gaze upon these images, I am reminded of my mother's indomitable spirit, which continues to radiate through the fluid motions of these remarkable individuals, transcending time and space.”

BUH Foundation would also like to thank River Valley Eye Care for their sponsorship and continued support. Together we are supporting the priority needs of our hospital and communities we serve, making sure that the people in the Battlefords and area have access to the best care, as close to home as possible. 


2022 Art of Courage

2022 The Art of Courage Wall ~ "Farming the Next Generation"

Welcome to BUH Foundation’s Art of Courage wall which was created to give inspiration, encouragement and motivation to the patients and clients that utilize the medical services offered in this area.  BUH Foundation is grateful to the new Art of Courage wall photographer, O Liv Photography ~ Maegan Toews for donating her talent and capturing a scene so recognizable to everyone in Saskatchewan.

“Farming: the Next Generation” represents the legacy of the farm families in our communities; their commitment, hard-work and dedication to working the land and giving their all.  It showcases passing this passion and optimism on to the next generation and continuing Saskatchewan’s great history.

The Art of Courage wall is an annual event with a new theme every year.  BUH Foundation is grateful to the Strain Family and Tucker and Weston for sharing their farming legacy with others.

BUH Foundation is grateful for the sponsorship of Tingley’s Harvest Center and the support they provide for the farm families and community.  Thank you for enriching local healthcare for The Battlefords.


2020 The Art of Courage Wall ~ "Women Who Inspire"

Every day outpatients make their way up to the Third Floor at BUH to go to their appointments at the Chemotherapy Department to receive their intravenous chemotherapy medication, to the Dialysis Unit to have their three to six hour renal dialysis treatment, to the Cardiac Stress Testing Room to have their ECGs completed while performing a strenuous activity, and to the Pre-Operative Department to learn of their surgical procedure and what they must do prior to their surgery.  Imagine the trepidation and anxiety these people and their families must feel as they go to these appointments.  Some of you reading this can probably personally attest to this.  BUH Foundation and Warne Photography have partnered to offer inspiration and motivation to these outpatients through the “Art of Courage” wall, a prominent wall that all these patients must pass by as they go to the various departments. 

Warne & Paula Noyce of Warne Photography have donated their talent and have captured three most beautiful images with their camera.  These have been put to canvas and will hang on the wall for one year.  As patients pass these amazing images on their way to their worrying appointments, we believe that it will offer them encouragement and incentive for hope.  What a powerful thing of which to be a part.

The 2020 "Art of Courage" wall has been sponsored by Discovery Co-op Ltd.  We recognize the value they place on their local community and thank Discovery Co-op for enriching local healthcare.

Proceeds from the 2020 "Art of Courage" wall will support the purchase of a new ventilator for Respiratory Therapies at BUH.

The "Art of Courage" wall will be an annual fundraising event with a new theme every year.  BUH Foundation is grateful to the "Women Who Inspire", Pat Gotto, retired RN and former Manager and Director of Nursing at BUH; Constable Matea Steinborn, a member of RCMP "F" Division and; Senator Jenny Spyglass, former Chief and now first female Senator to BATC and FSIN from Mosquito Grizzly Bear's Head Lean Man First Nation.

If you wish to view the "Art of Couarge" wall, please stop by the Foundation office in the Main Lobby at BUH or call, 306-446-6652.

Sponsorship for the 2021 "Art of Courage" wall will be a part of the live auction event during the Formal Evening of Festival of Trees in December.  Tickets will be available to attend this evening, or contact the Foundation office to submit a proxy bid.

Sponsorship of the "Art of Courage" wall means we can continue to enrich patient care at BUH and Battlefords Region Home Care through the purchase of technologically advanced medical equipment.  Your donation stays and assists your family and friends in The Battlefords and surrounding area.

 **The canvases remain the property of Warne Noyce and BUH Foundation.**   

We are grateful to Warne Photography for their kind assistance and support.

See full 2020 medial release here.

2019 The Art of Courage Wall

The 2019 "Art of Courage" wall was sponsored by David & Barbara Dekker.  "Don't be defined by life's challenges.  Be strong and courageous."  In loving memory of Ross & Joan Kingdon, Harry & Chris Dekker, Harrison Dekker and Elaine Miller.  Proceeds from from the 2019 "Art of Courage" wall will support "We Want to...Catch It! Stop It! Treat It!" capital campaign to purchase a new mammography unit for Medical Imaging at BUH. 

2018 The Art of Courage Wall

2018 Art of Courage Wall

The 2018 "Art of Courage" wall was sponsored by Allison Hawryliw, Jane, Mitch & Nico Wall, and Lionel Hawryliw, in memory of their son and brother, Nico Hawryliw.  Nico was a courageous young man, and a life-long North Stars fan who inspired many.  Proceeds from from the 2018 "Art of Courage" wall will support "We Don't Want to Miss a Beat" capital campaign to purchase a new central cardiac telemetry system for BUH.  See full 2018 media release here.

2017 The Art of Courage Wall

Battlefords Union Hospital (BUH) Foundation was honoured to officially unveil “The Art of Courage” wall with distinguished guests and participants involved in the project.  In attendance were representatives of BUH Foundation and BUH as well as Warne & Paula Noyce who donated their time and talent to take the photographs, Lacy Albert and her children Landis & Jazz Roan who donated their time and beauty to be the subjects of the photographs, Carey Tollefson and Darren Russell of Ultra Print who beautifully installed “The Art of Courage” wall, and representatives of Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs (BATC) who generously sponsored the first installation of the wall.

2017 Art of Courage


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