BUH Foundation operates six main fundraising events per year. These fundraisers are the catalysts for the Foundation and the public to purchase needed medical equipment and to fund staff education at Battlefords Union Hospital and Battlefords Region Home Care (BRHC).
They are also a vehicle for community businesses, organizations and individuals to become involved by taking a proactive approach to their healthcare system.
They help to create an awareness with the public as to what the BUH Foundation is and what it does.
- Brand New Event!
- Swinging with the Stars 2024
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- The Foundation on an annual basis runs two lotteries:
- Monthly Lottery
- $100,000 Cash Lottery
three special events:- Wayne Pruden Memorial Golf Tournament
- Festival of Trees
- Ladies Night
one Radio-thon:
On Air for Healthcare Radio-thon
- and various ongoing Fundraisers:
- A Star is Born
- Art of Courage Wall
- JR's Designer Birdhouses
- one auction:
- Annual Bike Auction