Monthly Lottery

Equipment Purchases

2024 - 2025

Funds raised will purchase a Fujifilm Ultrasound Machine for the use in the ICU at BUH.  This device is a valuable tool for physicians working in critical care environments to obtain immediate clinical information, improve patient safety, increase efficiency and decrease complications.

2023 - 2024

Hysteroscopes for OR

Funds raised will purchase an additional hysteroscope for the use in operating rooms and women's health surgery at BUH.  The scopes will allow gynecologists to both see and remove unhealthy tissue, all in one step.  This helps to ensure a faster, more comfortable and safer surgical procedure.  Additional OR equipment allows for more patients to be seen sooner to reduce wait times.




2022 - 2023

Phototherapy (PUVA) UnitFunds raised will purchase a new Phototherapy (PUVA) Unit for use in Therapy Services at BUH.  This unit uses ultraviolet light for healing of skin conditions such as psoriasis and vitiligo.  A new unit is required to continue to offer the care close to home and is an important service to provide.  Appointments are short and can occur 2-3 times a week.  A new unit could also increase the hours of operation, allowing more patients to be seen.





2021 - 2022

Digital Detector Plate

Proceeds from the 2021 / 2022 Monthly Lottery will purchase the newest diagnostic imaging technology for infants and children at BUH. It is the Carestream DRX, a 24cm x 30cm digital detector plate, the optimum size for positioning pediatric patients and is compatible with bassinets and cribs of all sizes. During the x-ray, the plate is inserted into the isolette tray in bassinet or crib, under the infant, ensuring no unnecessary movement of the child. The advanced medical technology of this digital plate, and its enhanced resolution, captures in fine detail the smaller anatomical structures of our youngest and most vulnerable of patients, keeping them safe, secure and comfortable in critical diagnostic times.

2020 - 2021

Proceeds raised from the 2020 / 2021 Monthly Lottery will purchase a new patient monitor for BUH's Operation Room (OR).  Every year more than 3,500 surgeries are performed on the OR.  In order to maintain the patient's health and well-being during their surgical procedures, the patient's vital signs must be monitored continuously by the surgical team.  The new monitor will have enhanced technology to keep patients safe and secure during these critical procedures.

2019 - 2020

Proceeds from the 2019 / 2020 Monthly Lottery will support the purchase of a new mammography unit for the Medical Imaging department at BUH to help detect breast cancer early.  This is part of "We Want to...Catch It! Stop It! Treat It!" capital campaign to raise over $500,000 for this purchase.  Mammography is a specific type of breast imaging that uses low dose radiation to detect cancer early, before men and women experience symptoms, and when it is most treatable.  Every year there are 2,000 mammograms completed in Medical Imaging, as well as diagnostic exams when a concern presents itself.  The current mammography unit is over 10 years old and needs to be replaced.

2018 - 2019

Proceeds from the 2018 / 2019 Monthly Lottery will support the purchase of a new Pulmonary Function Unit for Respiratory Therapy at BUH.  A Pulmonary Function Unit measures how well a patient's lungs are working.  This includes how well patients are able to breathe and how effective their lungs are at bringing oxygen to the rest of their body.  This important piece of equipment can help those having symptoms of lung problems, those with chronic lung disease and those requiring an assessment of how well heir lungs are working prior to having surgery.  It can also help to diagnoses lung conditions such as asthma, allergies, respiratory infections or lung cancer.

2017 - 2018
BiPAP Machine

The 2017 / 2018 Monthly Lottery purchased a new Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) machine.  A BiPAP machine provides two types of pressure for patients.  The inspiratory pressure makes it easier to breathe while the expiratory pressure helps to provide oxygen.  This results in maximizing the transport of oxygen into and carbon dioxide out of the lungs and blood.  A BiPAP machine is used in many critical medical conditions, including cardiac compromised patients, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia.  The purchase of this machine replaces the previous unit that had reached its end of life.

2016 - 2017

Pill PackagerProceeds from the 2016 / 2017 Monthly Lottery are designated to support the purchase of the automatic Pill Packager for the Pharmacy at BUH.  This piece of equipment impacts many people as the pharmacy fills medication orders for BUH as well as other facilities within the community.  It will replace the current unit that is obsolete, requires constant attention and manual loading and filling of medication packages.  The new Automatic Pill Packager is a technologically up-to-date unit that has built in safety features, requires less staff time to manually load and fill medication orders, and is not at risk of breaking down. The new unit will also be compatible with the MedDispense units already purchased within BUH.

MedDispense Unit

2015 - 2016

The proceeds from the 2015 - 2016 Monthly Lottery supported the purchase of MedDispense unit for Surgical and Medical.  A MedDispense unit dispenses medications to nurses efficiently, safely and effectively for patient care.

2014 - 2015

Fluoroscopy UnitMedical Imaging at BUH is in need of a new digital fluoroscopy unit and the proceeds from the 2014 / 2015 Monthly Lottery will go to support this estimated $550,000 purchase.  A digital fluoroscopy unit obtains real time imaging of a patient which then allows the radiologist to observe organs and functional imaging of the body to provide accurate and timely diagnosis and possible life saving interventions.  Thank you for helping to make this purchase possible.

2013 - 2014Misterium Clean Room with Camera

The proceeds from the 2013-2014 Monthly Lottery will be allocated towards the purchase of specialized camera equipment for the new Misterium Clean Room in the Pharamcy.  The camera will assist pharmacists in their preparation of chemotherapy medications and help to ensure and maintain accurate and safe formuation of these sophisticated drugs. 

2012 - 2013

WHBC Monitoring SystemProceeds from this year's Lottery will be allocated towards the purchase of specialized monitor systems for the Women's Health & Birthing Centre.  This equipment supports comprehensive care for both mother and baby, potentially from the beginning of pregnancy to after the birth of the baby.

2011 - 2012

With your support an Argon Plasma Coagulator was purchased for the Endoscopic Suite. Endoscopy refers to the procedure of using an illuminated, flexible optical tube for the surgeon’s visualization of the interior of organs and cavities of the patient’s body.  This is an invaluable tool in diagnosing certain disorders or conditions, including cancer.


2010 - 2011

Bipap Machine for Respiratory TherapiesProceeds from the Lottery purchased new medical equipment for the Respiratory Therapy Unit. If you or someone you care for has experienced difficulties in breathing, you know the importance that respiratory therapy treatment provides to critically comprised patients suffering chronic lung problems such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This also includes therapeutic treatment of more acute symptoms resulting from other critical conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, or trauma. The treatment of debilitating respiratory diseases requires specialized equipment to effectively manage these critically ill patients.

2009 - 2010

Pat McWatters, NUM, with ventilatorLottery proceeds were used to purchase a ventilator for the Intensive Care Unit at BUH. This piece of life saving equipment is designed to mechanically move breathable air into and out of the lungs to provide the mechanism of breathing for a patient who is physically unable to breath, or breathing insufficiently.




2008 - 2009

Crash Cart

Proceeds from the Lottery were allocated towards a Crash Cart for the Emergency Department. Crash Carts are used in emergency situations to transport and dispense emergency medication and equipment for life support protocols to save someone's life. They are supplied with the necessary tools and drugs required to treat someone in or near cardiac arrest.


Lifepak Defribillator
Proceeds also purchased a LifePak 20 defibrillator / monitor for use in the Trauma Room. This piece of life saving equipment is portable, has full therapy and monitoring capabilities and will allow for fast, effective defibrillation when required.

2006 - 2007 & 2007 - 2008

New Mammography Equipment

Proceeds from the 2006 - 2007 and 2007 - 2008 Lotteries were allocated toward the Breast Health Fund for the purchase of new mammography equipment for the Diagnostic Imaging Department at BUH.

mammography workstation mammography storage cart mammography tube
Workstation Storage Cart Tube


Humidifier for Ventilator Circuit
This is a humidity attachment for ventilator. It is reusable and complies with current trends.

LTV Portable Ventilator
A LTV Portable Ventilator is utilized for intubated patients requiring transfers to other facilites

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