Media Release

“Every Little Bit Counts” ENT Capital Campaign Continues to Receive

May 16th 2017

Battlefords Union Hospital (BUH) Foundation had a lovely visit from delightful five-year old Ella Grant of Edam, SK who had a donation for the “Every Little Bit Counts” capital campaign this past week.  Her parents John and Apryl Grant explained, “As Ella listened to the On Air for Healthcare Radio-thon on Friday May 12th, Ella decided she wanted to help and be able to give something to help the new Ears Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon to get his equipment.  So she decided to set up a lemonade stand at the garage sale we were having the next day.  It was very cold and wet out but she stuck with it!”  Through the lemonade sales and donations from her “customers” Ella was able to make a donation of $50!!  Thank you Ella and her Edam “customers” for being so supportive of local healthcare.   We are grateful and all the ENT surgical patients, big or small, thank you!

The On Air for Healthcare Radio-thon  was in support for funding the “Every Little Bit Counts” capital campaign for $380,000 for new ENT surgical equipment.  To date this campaign has raised over $203,000 and that puts us that much nearer our fundraising goal of $380,000.  BUH Foundation will continue their fundraising efforts and are confident the fundraising goal will be met.  If you wish to donate please go online to or call 306 446 6652.

Ella presenting her donation to Claudette McGuire, BUH Foundation Executive Director

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